Eagle Attack! Market Garden to Arnhem, Sep44 is COPYRIGHTED -- NOT Public Domain -- and FREE under the following conditions:
Eagle Attack! Market Garden to Arnhem, Sep44 is dedicated to ...
A. the peoples of Europe invaded and occupied by Nazi Germany, who suffered and endured so much and fought so bravely as our allies in World War 2 and who are our good friends and allies now,
B. Our Allied - especially in this case British, Dutch, and Belgian as well as American - army, air force, and resistance servicemembers who served and fought so hard, intelligently, alongside us,
C. Anne Frank and other Dutch and European occupied peoples whose lives might have been saved if Montgomery's plan had succeeded and they had been liberated sooner (if the Frank family had been able to avoid capture another 2 months),
D. and my children Rebecca, Robert, Rohan, and Johanna in the hope they and all our children never have to suffer and die in another world war.
The more we learn about the Second World War, the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war. (LRC)
A Request: If you do assemble and play this free game of mine, PLEASE let me know at ELCOAT@hotmail.com what you think of it and whether, after more than a couple games, you think one side or the other has an advantage. Thanks!
More comments by myself and others about the game can be read on Talk Consimworld Com and (not yet) BoardGameGeek.
If you are a friend, and/or if you would like to share info and ideas about military and naval history and game designing and cardstock model shipbuilding, and/or you have any questions about my Eagle Attack! Market Garden to Arnhem, Sep44 game feel free to e-mail me at ELCOAT@Hotmail.com
3Nov17, Rvsd 25Jul19