Postcard Mortain

A Note on Copyright

Postcard Mortain is COPYRIGHTED -- NOT Public Domain -- and FREE under the following conditions:


Postcard Mortain is dedicated to the men and officers of the U.S. Army and Allied air forces who stopped the Nazis at Mortain, to my professor of military science at Knox College Col. Henry Jordan, and to my children Rebecca, Robert, Rohan, and Johanna in the hope they will never suffer another world war.

The more we learn about the Second World War, the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war.

War must be confined to history books and games.

A Request: If you do assemble and play this free game of mine, PLEASE let me know at what you think of it and whether, after more than a couple games, you think one side or the other has an advantage. Thanks!
And now: Here are Postcard Mortain's components, to print off and assemble so that it may be played. Players-students will also need a single six-sided die (or chits numbered 1-6, to be drawn out of a hat).

More comments by myself and others about the game can be read on TalkConSimWorld and BoardGameGeek.

If you are a friend, and/or if you would like to share info and ideas about military and naval history and game designing and cardstock model shipbuilding, and/or you have any questions about Postcard Mortain feel free to e-mail me at

Thank you for your interest in the game ....

21Apr22, rvsd