The more we learn about the Second World War,
the better our chances that it will be the LAST world war.
War must be confined to history books and game.
Note: I am now 76!, and this webpage must be renewed every April. If I am no longer around, it disappears - as soon as within a year - so folks would be wise to go ahead download (for your own personal use) everything you want ... or might want ... now.
Contact information: I am here in Flateby, Norway. is best for contacting me .
Seminal professional Defense 81 (May81) articles on professional wargaming crises and commercial boardgames' value to military professionals by Dr. Francis Kapper, former Director of the DoD Studies, Analysis, and Gaming Agency (SAGA) ... whom I met with in his office down deep in the Pentagon a month or two after they appeared when I was down from Alaska. And my thanks to Alaska State Library Documents and Reference Librarian Kathleen Fearer for obtaining these from the scarce print copies.
Free (but not public domain) Games -- and more to come:
- Designed for Prinsesse Johanna Grace (7 at the time, and she immediately began beating me in it): Free boardgame Task Forces and Convoys: A Naval Chess Game A very playable, chess-like World War 2 naval operations game for family and friends with a VERY simple (but not easily won) introductory version.
- Free boardgame about the 1940 invasion of Norway: 9Apr40: Norge angrepet! (Norway attacked! The BASIC game is up, with the naval and air war abstracted. The Advanced game, with those specified and greater readiness variants.
- Free Viking game Hnefatafl gamesets! There are 3: Classic Vikings, empty piece faces for friend and/or family photos, and Hfenatafl 1940! :-)
- Free boardgame Murmansk Run: Arctic Convoys to Russia A relatively simple, abstracted game about the West's convoys to northern Russia, suffering hard conditions and taking grievous losses trying to get past German bases in Norway. Tirpitz included, of course.
- NAVAL ACTION: A 1895-1945 naval miniatures game system - FREE - Copyright 1997 Louis R. Coatney)
- A fast and simple and free combat odds calculation aid tool engine up to a Defense Factor of 30 - Copyright 2016 Louis R. Coatney)
- And here is a simple 10 x 10 multiplication table to help kids *envision* multiplication.
- NOTE: The publisher Banner of War of China is licensing from me publishing rights for my earlier game Patton's Lorraine Campaign, about Patton's attempt to break through the Siegfried Line (before the Dec44 German Ardennes counteroffensive). PLC's BoW ordering page Weekly turns. Regiment to division level with some U.S. tank and tank destroyer battalions, and special rules for the latter. So for the 4-year duration of our contract, it is withdrawn from here. My old version (which BoW has said is OK to mention, with its rules in English, is here:
- BRAND-NEW: D-Day into Normandy, then ...?Can you get across the Normandy beaches and into the bocage ... and then break OUT of the bocage ... in time?
- BRAND-NEW: Atlantic War, 1914-18 Sail your freighters independently, falling easy prey to increasingly dense U-boats, raiders, and possible German battle cruisers breaking out of the North Sea into the Atlantic? Or stripping some escorts from the defense of the Grand Fleet possibly resulting in a Battle of Jutland defeat?
- NEW: Atlantic Convoys 1939-45Can you get the supplies across the Atlantic and over NordKapp to keep the British from starving and to build up for D-Day?
- NEW: 7Dec41: Pearl Harbor! Can the Japanese achieve the surprise they did historically? The US player has optional additional precautions ... for a price.
- NEW: Postcard Solomons CVs A fast and simple game about the 2 key aircraft carrier battles just east of Guadalcanal.
- NEW: Rock Island: 1812, Illinois The battle for the Illinois Territory in our War of 1812 against Britain.
- NEW: Turbo Barbarossa A fast and simple hidden Russian unit area-mapped Barbarossa game.
- NEW: Into the Unknown: Russia 1941 A hidden Russian unit hex-and-counter Barbarossa game distilling my previous larger games onto a standard 22x34" mapsheet and number of game turns reduced by 1/3.
- NEW: Postcard Murmansk triggered by the new Norwegian film KONVOI (to be released in the States as The Arctic Convoy) this is a much simpler and faster version of my previous Murmansk Run. Get the convoys through to Russia and Sink the Tirpitz!
- NEW: Patton Liberates Brittany! A very fast point-to-point game about Patton's attempt to grab strategic Breton ports for logistics. Even simpler than Postcard Brittany, using the same system as Patton Liberates Lorraine!, Tiger Attack!, and Eagle Attack! Mapboard compatible with the Bob Champer and Sid Sackson game Major Campaigns and Battles of General George S. Patton game system.
- NEW: Bakhmut Meatgriner: Verdun 2023 A 2-map - operational and tactical/city - game about this still-going Ukraine War battle. Wage this anachronistic, hideous battle of attrition to end its tragic war.
- NEW: Postcard Kursk a postcard sized game about the 5 July 1943 Nazi panzer offensive from the north and south to pinch off the Kursk salient. See also my larger Kursk game ... and its beautiful printing by China's Banner of War.
- Patton Liberates Lorraine! a fast, simple point-to-point boardgame about Patton's desperate attempt to get through the French province of Lorraine to break the Siegfried Line and get into Germany before Winter 1944 (which he couldn't do, in significant part because fuel and other supplies were being diverted to the British for the Market Garden operation in Holland).
- Postcard sized game about Allied armies attempting to liberate Western Europe from the Nazis, from D-Day on.
- Postcard Brittany a small format game about Patton's August 1944 attempt to grab Brittany's large seaports before the Germans could organize their defense.
- Starships at Large a simple family&friends game of interstellar exploration, colonization, diplomacy, and maybe war, with a Death Star to worry and even unify everyone, if it is discovered/provoked.
- Postcard Stalingrad game about the most decisive land battle in Europe during World War 2 in postcard format for mailing/giving to friends. Simple, basic mechanics.
- VERY fast and simple Hunt for the Belgorod game about shadowing (not destroying) mutual deterrence doomsday submarine Belgorod 3-12 turns plays in 15-30 minutes. Simple, basic mechanics.
- VERY fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Coral Sea postcard size/format boardgame about the advance on Australia, May 1942. 11 half-day turns Plays in about an hour. Simple, basic mechanics. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of Postcard Mortain as (4"x6"/A6 and 5"x8"/A5) postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2022 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (To publish the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces would require a licensing contract signed by me.)
- NEW and VERY fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Mortain postcard size/format boardgame about the German counter-offensive. 7 1-day turns Plays in 30 minutes. Simple, basic mechanics. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of Postcard Mortain as (4"x6"/A6 and 5"x8"/A5) postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2022 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (To publish the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces would require a licensing contract signed by me.)
- Fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Civil War East postcard size/format boardgame about the American Civil War in the East 6 campaign turns per year, 1861-65, but just a single year's campaign can be played. 7 Union and 5 Confederate pieces. Lots of Fog of War, Jackson's Foot Cavalry II Corps while it lasts, etc. A year campaign plays in ... 15 minutes?. Simple, basic mechanics. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of it as (4"x6"/A6 and 5"x8"/A5) postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2021 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (To publish the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces would require a licensing contract signed by me.)
- Fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Guadalcanal postcard size/format boardgame about the "Stalingrad of the Pacific." 8 half-month turns Plays in 80? minutes. Simple, basic mechanics. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of it as (4"x6"/A6 and 5"x8"/A5) postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2021 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (To publish the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces would require a licensing contract signed by me. The game is to be translated into Chinese.)
- Very fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Tobruk postcard size/format boardgame about the World War 2 battles which swirled about Tobruk, Libya, North Africa. 5 scenarios, 4-7 turns each. Plays in 20-40 minutes. Simple, basic mechanics. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of Postcard Tobruk as (4"x6"/A6 and 5"x8"/A5) postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2021 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (To publish the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces would require a licensing contract signed by me.)
- VERY fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Bulge: Ardennes 1944 postcard size/format boardgame about the German counter-offensive. 5 2-day turns Plays in 30? minutes. Simple, basic mechanics. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of Postcard Bulge as (4"x6"/A6 and 5"x8"/A5) postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2021 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (To publish the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces would require a licensing contract signed by me..)
- VERY fast and simple hex-and-counter Postcard Barbarossa! postcard size/format boardgame about the 1941 Nazi German invasion of Russia. 4 bi-monthly turns. 3 !! hexes Warsaw to Moscow. Plays in 30? minutes. Simple, basic mechanics, but with lots of basic combat options. NOTE: ANYone is free to print off and distribute as many copies of my English language edition of Postcard Barbarossa! as 4"x6"/A6 postcards as you like, as long as you keep my © 2021 Louis R. Coatney copyright statement, the Dedication, and my quotes about war and history on them. (China's Banner of War will soon be publishing the game in larger, boxed format with already mounted pieces. The postcard is also being translated into Russian.)
- NEW, VERY fast and simple hex-and-counter The Barbarossa Brief, 1941 tiny 2-sided manual micro boardgame about the 1941 Nazi German invasion of Russia. 4 bi-monthly turns. 3 !! hexes Warsaw to Moscow fit perfectly on 11x17/A3 mapboard, although map halves and larger units provided for more comfortable format. Plays in 30? minutes. Simple, basic mechanics, but with lots of basic combat options.
- NEW fairly fast and simple hex-and-counter Barbarossa vs. Russia, 1941 So far 2-sided manual boardgame about the 1941 Nazi German invasion of Russia. Monthly turns. 13 hexes Warsaw to Moscow fit perfectly on 11x17/A3 mapboard, although map halves and larger units provided for more comfortable format. Plays in 90-120 minutes. Simple, basic mechanics, but with lots of basic combat options.
- NEW FAST&SIMPLE (50 mins.) family&friends game: Moskva, Bistro!(/Fast!) Oct-Dec41 Solitaire manual boardgame or a conventional 2-sides game - in team and single player format sizes - about the climactic late 1941 Nazi attack on Moscow. Not only are individual Russian units' strengths not known until they are attacked, the OVERALL Russian strength - Strong, Medium/"Historical", or Weak - is unknown, so the German players literally don't know how strong the Russians still are ... as was the case historically ... victory point adjustments after the game if the overall Russian strength turns out not to have been Medium/"Historical." As simple as Risk! - dice not needed to resolve ground combat.
- The next step up in this system is Robot Barbarossa, right below.
- NEW FAST&SIMPLE (50 mins.) family&friends game: Barbarossa Fast, Jun-Dec41 Solitaire manual boardgame or a conventional 2-sides game - in team and single player format sizes - about the 1941 Nazi German invasion of Russia. Not only are individual Russian units' strengths not known until they are attacked, the OVERALL Russian strength - Strong, Medium/"Historical", or Weak - is unknown, so the German players literally don't know how strong the Russians still are ... as was the case historically ... victory point adjustments after the game if the overall Russian strength turns out not to have been Medium/"Historical." As simple as Risk! - dice not needed to resolve ground combat.
- The next step up in this system is Robot Barbarossa, right below.
- Robot Barbarossa: Russian Front 1941 Solitaire manual boardgame (either way, or a conventional 2-player game, or a robot vs. robot game) about the 1941 Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. I prefer being the Russians and listening to Shostakovich's 7th Leningrad Symphony while I play. :-) Not only are individual Russian units' strengths not known until they are attacked, the OVERALL strengths - Strong, Medium, and Weak - strengths of the tank and infantry combat arms are unknown, so the Axis side literally doesn't know what it is attacking!
- 10-hex Warsaw to Moscow gameboard with rail lines, cropped to Rostov. 26 May 2020
- NEW: European Russia for a Barbarossa game at 20 miles per hex. Yahoo! won't upload the full PNG file of this, so I've got it as a jpg and also reduced png now.
- Barbarossa 20 Rules adapted from Death Struggle (24mis/hex) to Barbarossa 20
- Other WW2 Western Front games:
- Free board game NW Europe 1944 A relatively simple boardgame of the Allied campaign in Northwest Europe, from D-Day to/across the Siegfried Line and then the Rhine River. Air drops, strategic bombing, secret German reserve, more.
- Mortain Aug44: Old Hickory vs. the SS A playable game about the German counterattack west, to cut off at Avranches Patton's 3rd Army's breakout - defended by 1st Army's "Lightning Joe" Collins' VII Corps. There is a 50% possibility of 116.PzDiv joining the attack, and find out why it didn't, historically.
- Free board game: Patton's Lorraine - Minigame, a much faster, simpler, smaller version of Patton's Lorraine Campaign - below - basically at division level. The older larger version, with its rules in English is at
- Free boardgame Eagle Attack! Market Garden to Arnhem, Sep44 A very fast and simple point to point game for family and friends about the attempt to shorten World War 2 by getting control of a highway through the Netherlands up across the Rhine River at Arnhem, to enable quickly attacking and defeating Nazi Germany in its relatively open northern lowlands - the subject of the excellent feature film A Bridge Too Far.
- Free board game: TIGER ATTACK! The Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes 1944, a very fast, relatively simple lotsa-dice point-to-point game about the desperate Dec44 Nazi German counteroffensive in the Belgian and Luxembourg Ardennes, which started 16Dec44.
- Free board game: Ardennes Petite (Ardennes Small): A Battle of the Bulge, Ardennes 1944, Minigame, a VERY fast, relatively simple little chess-like game about the desperate Dec44 Nazi German counteroffensive in the Belgian and Luxembourg Ardennes, which started 16Dec44.
- Tigers in the Ardennes, Revised 17Mar13, about the Nazi German December 1944 counteroffensive in the Ardennes Forest of Belgium and Luxembourg. Features special rules for Tiger Fright and Tiger Tank Breakdown, KampGruppe Pieper, Waffen-SS Ruthlessness, General Patton's Weather Prayer, Bridge Building, Demolition, and Busting, etc.
- Blitzkrieg! The Attack on the West, 1940, about the Nazi German attack against Holland, Belgium, and France. Features special rules for Tank Fright and Armor Overrun, etc.
Seven 7-day turns - historically, the Germans did it in five. Also now available in the professional boxed game with mounted pieces Teutons! from Hollandspiele (publisher of fine games).
- WW2 Pacific war games:
- CBI ATC: China-Burma-India Air Transport Command Spring 1942-Summer 1945. VERY simple game focusing on flying supplies to China ... over the Hump/Himalayas and/or the Japanese interceptors based in Myitkina.
- Another FREE print-and-play boardgame Pacific War Naval Chess Game Spring 1942-Summer 1945. (This has been REALLY popular!)
- Debacle: Dutch East Indies and Malaya 1941-42 A relatively playable combined operations game about the brilliant Japanese campaign to take Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, which commenced on Pearl Harbor Day (8Dec41 in the Far East) and concluded 2 months ahead of schedule"!, on 7Mar42.
- Mongoose vs. King Cobra: Indian Ocean Carrier Raid Apr42 A relatively playable naval game about the Japanese carrier strike which historically sank 23 freighters, 2 destroyers, heavy cruisers Cornwall and Dorsetshire, and carrier Hermes ... but what if the Japanese had planned to land on and take Ceylon/Sri Lanka as well?
- Free boardgame Battle of Midway 1942, Minigame A VERY simple/abstracted game about the battle based on my 1990 game Deadly Reckoning: The Battle of Midway, June 1942 which I am editing for publication here.
- NEW ... and yet OLD: Free boardgame Sky, Sea, and Jungle: The Horror of Guadalcanal, August-December 1942 (1997) A relatively simple campaign game featuring a factorless naval combat system, night combat, Long Lance torpedoes, etc.
- Showdown Battle: Marianas and Philippine Sea Jun44 (aka The Marianas Turkey Shoot) The biggest aircraft carrier battle of World War 2.
- Other WW2 Russian Front games:
- Free board game: German Eagle vs. Russian Bear: A [FREE] World War II Russian Front Boardgame Kit (indexed on Educational Resources Information Center as ERIC Document no. ED361256, Copyright 1993 Louis R. Coatney) Cover art by Rebecca Louise Coatney.
- NEW ... and yet OLD: Free boardgame The Barbarossa FIle: Deep Battles in Russia, 1941-42 (1997) A (division-)corps-army level game with 3 unknown possible Soviet orders of battle: Historical/Transitional, From Budyonny's Stables, and The Tukhachevsky Twist interfaces with 3 different possible levels of replacement with the Historical level being the strongest.
- Darkest Crusade, a fast and fairly simple hex-and-counter game about the Axis 22Jun41 invasion of Soviet Russia - Operation Barbarossa - using Tiger Attack!'s popular firing point with fortification system. Also there is Darkest Crusade Mini with fewer units and even simpler mechanics.
- Free boardgame Death Struggle: Barbarossa 1941 Barbarossa campaign game down to Russian tank brigade level - MANY pieces to be on full-sized - 28" across - 24mis/39kms per hex mapsheet.
- Free Death Struggle: Barbarossa 1941 Subgames Basically corps level on specific campaigns within Barbarossa, starting with the campaign to Leningrad. Intended as an introduction to the larger, more division/brigade detailed Death Struggle game an its system.
- Juggernauts: Panzerkeil vs. ArtKor, Kursk 1943Division-Corps-Army level game including the new PzKpw5 Panthers and Ferdinand detachments. Licensed to be published by China's Banner of War soon.
- Leningrad, 1941: The Embattled City, about the Nazi German attack on Leningrad, July-October 1941. Features special rules for the Red Banner Baltic Fleet and Marines, railway guns, optional reinforcements (historically used), etc.
- Free board game - Moscow Embattled, 1941 - the Minigame This may be the smallest and simplest (yet adequately realistic) Battle of Moscow hex-and-counter boardgame possible.
- Free board game: Moscow Defended! Basic, fast, simple version of my little Moscow Defended! on my http// webpage. This uses the far simpler firing point system. The map is the same as in the older Moscow Defended!, with corrections.
- Moscow vs. Barbarossa, 1941, about the Nazi German offensive against Moscow and the Russian counteroffensive, October 1941-January 1942. 27 miles per hex (means 9 hexes from Smolensk to Moscow), corps-army level (32 Russian and 22 German ground units), half-month gameturns. Features Katyushas, Red Army parachute drops, Combat Odds Round-Off and Risk Resolution Rule, Optional Russian game-start, and more.
MvB41's games system is based on my division level Moscow game, Barbarossa's Climax, and is a good introduction to it.
- Barbarossa's Climax: Moscow 1941, 26Oct13, about the Nazi German offensive against Moscow and the Russian counteroffensive, October 1941-January 1942. 10 miles per hex, division level, 6-day gameturns. Features katyusha regiments, Red Army parachute drops, Combat Odds Round-Off and Risk Resolution Rule, Optional Russian game-start, and more.
Also: A Battle for Tula sub-game to learn Barbarossa's Climax's game system.
- Moscow Assailed, 1941 A playable hex-and-counter game about the strategically decisive Battle of Moscow featuring Russian maskirovka/deception and explosive German offensive capability.
- Free boardgame Moscow In Peril: 1941Down to Russian tank brigade level - on 15mis/22kms per hex mapsheet. 3 turns per month.
- Stalingrad: Gorod Smerti, revised 13Jun13, about the Wehrmacht's disastrous failure to take Stalin's city by frontal assault in Sep-Nov42 - or can you reverse history?
- Free board game - Zhukov's Brutal Battle: Operation Mars, 1942 While the others were masterminding the double envelopment and annihilation of the German 6th Army at Stalingrad, Marshal Georgi Zhukov was ruthlessly and bloodily determined to eilminate Army Group Center's Rzhev salient up north, west of Moscow. This is the subject of Col. (rtd.) David Glantz's book Zhukov's Greatest Defeat.
- Juggernauts: Panzerkeil vs. ArtKor, Kursk 1943 has now been licensed to China's Banner of War for publication. 31 German/Axis and 40 Russian pieces/units. (This has been popular too.)
- Free board game - Berlin: Koniev and Zhukov Race to Victory The Russians' Berlin Operation, wherein Koniev's 1st Ukrainian Front and Zhukov's 1st Belorussian Front race to see who will take Berlin and kill or capture Hitler first. One player is Koniev and the Germans facing Zhukov, and the other player is Zhukov and the Germans facing Koniev - or one player can be the Germans and the other the Russians, in conventional fashion.
- European Russia for a Barbarossa game at 20 miles per hex. Yahoo! won't upload the full PNG file of this, so I've got it as a jpg and also reduced png now.
- WW2 North African/Desert games:
- Free boardgame Desert Campaign: North Africa, 1941-42 A relatively fast North African campaign game with relatively few pieces/units. Has fun&fast excerpted El Aghiela, Operation Crusader, Battle of Gazala, Mursa Matrah, and Alamein subgames. (Anti-)tank vs. tank preliminary combat matrix by Allied Tank type.
- Gazala Gallop, about Rommel's greatest victory in the desert, outflanking the Gazala Line and finally taking Tobruk from the British 8th Army, May-June 1942 - or can you reverse history? Uses the classic/simple 1st Alamein/Battles for Alamein game system.
- NEW ... and yet OLD: Free boardgame Battles for Alamein: July-November 1942 (1997) The classically simple boardgame from which my long-available classic little 1st Alamein was drawn - co-designed, really, by my elder son Robert.
- Free boardgame Gegenangriff am Kasserine A very simple boardgame about Rommel and von Arnim's devastating counterattack on U.S. forces in Tunisia in February 1943.
- Free board game Lion's Lair: Malta Convoys 1940-42 A fast-playing, point-to-point game of the British trying to battle their way through U-boats, Italian subs, Italian aircraft, German StuKas, Italian MAS motor torpedo boats, and the Italian fleet.
- Free boardgame Matapan: The Naval Battle for Greece, Mar41 A relatively fast game with relatively few pieces/units about the strategic naval battle 27-28Mar41.
- Other games:
- Free boardgame France 1870 A very simple game about Franco-Prussian War, 19July-19September 1870. Also now available in the professional boxed game with mounted pieces Teutons! from Hollandspiele (publisher of fine games).
- Free game, France 1914, about the German 1914 invasion of France (and Belgium)and the French people's heroic resistance to that - featuring the Taxicabs of Paris and Mata Hari rules, among others. Also now available in the professional boxed game with mounted pieces Teutons! from Hollandspiele (publisher of fine games).
- War Against Russia map segments - those transportation lines are roads, not railroads. Other components are on my other webpage,
- Northern - Revised Jul11, when I discovered Kalinin/Tver is on the south bank of the Volga, not the north.
- Southern
Free, public domain U.S. Government ONI (Office of Naval Intelligence) ID recognition manual plans drawings of World War 2 II ships warships naval vessels -- and more to come
Free Cardstock Paper Model World War 2/II Warships Warship Plans.
My new 3-D 1:1200 card model ships, complementing the Airfix Sink the Bismarck set.
Free "2-D" World War II model ships, from ONI drawings.
Photos of recent 3-D cardstock model ships I have designed.
- Royal Norwegian Navy destroyer/jager Sleipner
- Italian prewar Navigatori class destroyer.
- Japanese light cruiser Jintsu ... and opponent.
- German Maasz class destroyer and K class light cruiser.
- Italian d'Abruzzi/Garibaldi class light cruiser.
Mountbatten Pink?
A FREE 3-D cardstock paper model ship plan of the Sleipner class WW2 Norwegian destroyers
Those interested may want to read my 1994 Western Illinois University history masters thesis, THE KATYN MASSACRE: AN ASSESSMENT OF ITS SIGNIFICANCE AS A PUBLIC AND HISTORICAL ISSUE IN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN, 1940-1993.
Errata for my classic 3W game, Sturm nach Osten
Second 2nd Edition 1991 rules, player aids, and units, for my point to point Russian Front game Dark Crusade, published by 3W in 1984.
How to fight, treat, survive chronic bronchitis, from a lifetime of experience.
10x10 Multiplication Table.
1-20 Number Ladder
For further info, e-mail me at
Jeg er Aegir1000. :-)
Revised, 11Jan25 - D-Day and WW1 Atlantic (and Jutland) games added.